In the letter HRHF documents that the Belarusian authorities continue to harass human rights defenders and their organisations and search for reasons to arrest and detain those who are not in detention now. Therefore, HRHF called for urgent action by the Special Rapporteurs towards the Belarusian authorities to request that:

  • Human rights defenders, journalists, members of the opposition and students are not harrased because of their opinions and raised voices
  • Impartial investigation of the incidents and fair trials, based on international standards, are ensured
  • Proper medical care of detained persons and their right to access to lawyers is ensured
  • The right of Belarusian people to safely exercise their civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the international treaties such as the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights to which Belarus is a signatory, is ensured
  • Safe operation of human rights defenders in Belarus without harrasment and persecution, as guaranteed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights Defenders, is ensured.

See the letter, prepared by the Human Rights Foundation and the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius (Republic of Lithuania), based on the information received from our partner organisations, Belarusian Journalists Association, the Human Rights Center Viasna and the European Humanities University, in the right column.
