To: Valentin Sukalo
Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus
Tel. (375 17) 226 12 06
Tel./fax: (375 17) 227 12 25
Lenina str. 28, Minsk 220030, Belarus

Dear Mr. Chairman,

The Human Rights House in Vilnius and other Human Rights Houses (in Bergen, London, Moscow, Oslo, Warsaw, Zagreb and other cities) have been closely following the situation with the criminal persecution of Leanid Svetsik, a human rights defender from Vitebsk.

We were glad to learn that the Prosecutor’s Office did not upheld the charges under one of the articles of the Belarusian Criminal Code brought by KGB.

This case, instigated by the Belarusian KGB, is obviously persecution of Mr Svetsik for his human rights activities and doesn’t have, in our opinion, any moral or legal grounds.

We hope that a public hearing on this case that would comply with all standards and principles of fair trial, such as equality of parties, presumption of innocence, and adversarial principle will prevent the interested parties from turning the trial into an instrument of reprisal. 


Barys Zvozskau
Human Rights House in Vilnius