Unfortunately, Georgian police failed to protect LGBT activists as thousands of aggressive people violently attacked peacefully gathered demonstrators, not allowing them to conduct the rally and damaged public – municipal transport; physically and verbally abused LGBT activists and their supporters, as well as journalists, police officers Public Defender, representatives of NGOs who were monitoring the process.

It is the second year that the Ministry of Interior has failed to protect LGBT activists from violent attacks by Orthodox extremist groups inspired by such intolerance.

Human Rights House Tbilisi urges the law enforcement agencies to investigate all cases of abuse and to bring to justice citizens including clergy who personally participated in violence and breached public order.

In addition to that, high-ranking officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs who were obliged to protect the security and public order and failed to fulfill their obligations should be held accountable. 

Members of the Human Rights House Tbilisi

 Human Rights Centre (HRIDC),

 Article 42 of the constitution,

 Georgian Centre for psycho-social and medical rehabilitation support of Torture victims (GCRT),

 Union Safari,

 Media Institute.