To the President of Georgia, Mr Saakashvili

We, members and partners of Human Rights House Network, are very concerned about footage of torture and ill treatment in Georgian prisons, and call upon the Georgian authorities to carry out without delay independent, impartial and effective investigations of all allegations related to inhuman treatment in the entire penitentiary system.

On 18 September 2012, several videos were released on the Internet and Georgian TV showing torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatments in a Georgian prison.

The videos demonstrated how the personnel of the Gldani prison No 8, senior officers of the custody and penitentiary department, tortured inmates1. The videos have resulted in big protests in Tbilisi and other Georgian cities.

The acts shown in the video are examples of torture in the Georgian prison system, which human rights organizations have been reporting on for several years.

These incidents can therefore not be seen as individual cases of torture and ill treatment but as systematic violations.

Concern about torture and ill treatment in Georgian prisons

Members and partners of Human Rights House Network are very concerned about footage of torture and ill treatment in Georgian prisons.