Mr.  Alexander  Lukashenko
President  of  the  Republic  of  Belarus
Fax:  +375  17  226  06  10    

Mr.  Sergei  Sidorsky
Prime  Minister  of  the  Republic  of  Belarus
Fax:  +375  17  222  66  65  

Vilnius,  Oslo,  Geneva,  14  April  2010  

Your  Excellency,  

Various  trustworthy  sources,  including  the  Human  Rights  Centre “Viasna”,  Amnesty International,  the Council  of  Europe  and  its Parliamentary  Assembly,  the  European Parliament,  and  the Parliamentary Assembly  of  the  Organisation  for  Security  and  Co-operation  in  Europe,  report  that  Mr.  Andrei Zhuk  and  Mr.  Vasily Yuzepchuk  were executed  around  18  March  2010. We condemn these executions.  

The  cases  of  Andrei  Zhuk  and  Vasily  Yuzepchuk  were  pending  at the  Human  Rights Committee,  which had   requested   interim   measures   of   protection   (rule   92   of   the   Rules of   Procedure   of   the   Human Rights  Committee  adopted  on  22  September 2005). The Committee  issued  a  press  release  on  30 March  2010 in which  it  “expressed  its  dismay  and indignation  at  the  apparent execution  of  the  two individuals,   and   its   concern   at   the   State  party’s   failure   to   cooperate   in   good   faith   with   the Committee,  in  its  work  on individual  communications  submitted under  the  Optional  Protocol  to  the Covenant.”   

At  its  98th session,  the  United  Nations  Human  Rights  Committee discussed  in  a  public meeting  the pendent  cases  of  Andrei  Zhuk (case  1910/2009)  and  Vasily  Yuzepchuk  (case 1906/2010). Under the  Option  Protocol  to  the  International  Covenant  on  Civil  and Political Rights,  the  Human Rights   Committee   has   the   competence   to   receive   and   consider   communications   from   individuals subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  State  parties  to  the Covenant,  who  claim  to  be  victims  of  a  violation of  any  right set forth  in  the  Covenant. The  Republic  of  Belarus  ratified  the Optional  Protocol  on  30  September   1992   and   thereby   recognised   the   competence   of   the   Human   Rights   Committee to consider   complaints   under   the   Optional   Protocol.   In   paragraph   19   of   its   General   Comment   33 published  on  5 November  2008,  the  Human  Rights  Committee  clearly  considers that  the “failure  to implement  […]  interim  or  provisional  measures is  incompatible  with  the obligation  to  respect  in  good faith  the procedure  of  individual  communication  established under  the Optional  Protocol.” By  proceeding  to  the  execution  of  Andrei Zhuk and  Vasily Yuzepchuk  whose  cases  were  pending  before   the   Human   Rights   Committee,   the   Republic   of   Belarus   violated   its   obligations   under   the  Covenant  and  its Optional Protocol,  specifically  the  State’s  obligation  to respect  the  interim  or  provisional  measures  of protection  requested  by  the  Human  Rights  Committee.  

We,  more  than  50  organisations,  are  alarmed  by  the  Republic  of Belarus’  constant violation  of  its obligations  under  the International  Covenant  on  Civil  and  Political  Rights, and  its permanent  lack  of implementation  of  the  recommendations adopted  by  the  Human Rights  Committee. We call  upon  you, Mr.  President,  and  the  government  of  the Republic  of Belarus,  to  consider  the  rule  of  law  as  the   principle   under   which   penal justice   is   executed –  and   to   therefore   fully   implement   the  recommendations  of  the United  Nations  Human  Rights  Committee.  

We  also  call  upon  you,  Mr.  President,  and  the government  of  the  Republic  of Belarus,  to  establish  an immediate  moratorium  on  the  use  of  the  death  penalty, in line  with  the  United  Nations  General  Assembly resolution  63/168  adopted  on  18 December  2008.  

Finally  we,  the  more  than  50  organisations  signing  this letter,  urge  the  Belarusian authorities  to  put  an  end  to the  harassment  against  all  human  rights  defenders, including  the  ones  active  nationally  in  favour  of  a  moratorium on the  death  penalty.  Most recently,  some  members  of  the  Human Rights  Centre   “Viasna”   (Ales   Bialiatski,   Valiantsin   Stefanovich,   and   Iryna   Toustsik)   were   arrested   on   23 March  2010  while protesting  against  the  use  of  the  death  penalty  and  the executions  of Andrei  Zhuk and  Vasily  Yuzepchuk.  Civil  Rights Defenders,  the  Norwegian  Helsinki  Committee,  the Human  Rights House  Foundation,  and  the  Belarusian  Human  Rights  House  in exile  in Vilnius,  wrote  to  you  on  25 March  2010,  calling  upon you  to  end  such  kind  of harassment. We hereby  repeat  this  call.  

Yours  sincerely,  

Belarusian  Human  Rights  House  in  exile  in  Vilnius    

Including  United  Centre  of  Initiatives  for  Belarus,  Lithuania    


The  House  of  the  Helsinki  Foundation  for  Human  Rights    in Poland  (on  behalf  of  the following  NGOs):  

Helsinki  Foundation  for  Human  Rights    

Helsinki  Committee    

POLIS  Young  Journalists  Association  


HORIZON – Against  Death  Penalty  Group  


Human  Rights  House  Baku,  Azerbaijan    


Society  for  Humanitarian  Research    


Womens  Association  for  Rational  Development    


Institute  for  Reporter  Safety  and  Freedom  


Legal  Education  Society  


Media  Rights  Centre  


Human  Rights  House  Oslo,  Norway  (on  behalf  of  the  following  NGOs):  

              Human  Rights  House  Foundation  

              Norwegian  Helsinki  Foundation  

              Norwegian  Tibet  Committee  

              Norwegian  Burma  Committee  

              Health  and  Human  Rights  Info  


Human  Rights  House  Sarajevo,  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  (on  behalf of  the  following  NGOs):  

Association  of  Female  Citizens  “Renaissance”          

Helsinki  Committee  for  Human  Rights  in  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina         

Regional  Co-­ordinator  for  Youth  Groups  HCHR  in  Western  Balkans.      

Serb  Civic  Council  -­  Movement  for  Equality  -­  The  Council  of the Sarajevo  Canton    

Woman  and  Society  Centre    


Human  Rights  House  Skopje,  Macedonia  (on  behalf  of  the following  NGOs):  

Association  for  Democratic  Initiatives  (ADI)      

The  First  Children’s  Embassy  in  the  World  –  “Megjashi”      

Helsinki  Committee  for  Human  Rights  of  the  Republic  of Macedonia     

Macedonian  Women’s  Rights  Centre  (MWRC)  -­‐  Shelter  Centre     

Polio  Plus  –  Movement  Against  Disability  


Human  Rights  House  Tbilisi,  Georgia  


Union  Safari  -­‐  Family  without  Violence  


Article  42  of  the  Constitution  

The Caucases  Centre  for  Human  Rights  and  Conflict  Studies (CAUCASIA)  

The  Georgian  Centre  for  Psychosocial  and  Medical  Rehabilitation of  Torture  Victims  

The  Human  Rights  Centre  (HRIDC)  


Open  Word  House,  United  Kingdom  (on  behalf  of  the  following NGOs):  

             Index  on  Censorship    

             English  PEN  


Russian  Research  Centre  for  Human  Rights,  Russian Federation  on  behalf  of  the  following  NGOs):  

Independent  Psychiatric  Association  of  Russia    

Moscow  Center  for  Prison  Reform    

Moscow  Helsinki  Group     

Right  of  the  Child    

Non-violence  International   

Social  Partnership  Foundation  

Union  of  the  Committees  of  Soldiers’  Mothers  of  Russia  


Armenian  Helsinki  Association,  Armenia  


Centre  for  Civil  and  Political  Rights,  Switzerland  


Civic  Belarus,  Czech  Republic  


Civil  Rights  Defenders,  Sweden  


HURINET-­‐Uganda  (a  network  of  35  organisations),  Uganda  


International  Federation  for  Human  Rights  (FIDH),  France  


Rafto  Foundation,  Norway    


Copies  have  been  sent  to:  

His  Excellency  Mr.  Viktor  Golovanov,  Minister  of  Justice  of  the Republic  of  Belarus  

His  Excellency  Mr.  Vladimir  Andreichenko,  Speaker  of  the House  of  Representatives  of  the  Republic  of Belarus  

His  Excellency  Mr.  Mikhail  Khvostov,  Ambassador  Extraordinary and  Plenipotentiary,  Permanent  

Representative,  Permanent  Mission  of  the  Republic  of  Belarus  to the  United  Nations  Office  in  Geneva  

His  Excellency  Mr.  Vladimir  Senko,  Ambassador,  Head  of  the Mission  of  the  Republic  of  Belarus  to  the European  Communities  

United  Nations  Human  Rights  Committee  

Directorate  General  of  Human  Rights  and  Legal  Affairs  of  the Council  of  Europe  

The  Office  for  Democratic  Institutions  and  Human  Rights  of  the Organisations  for  Security  and  Co-operation  in  Europe  

Norwegian  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  

Standing  Committee  for  Foreign  Affairs  of  the  Norwegian Parliament  

Norwegian  Embassy  in  Ukraine    

Lithuanian  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  

Swiss  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  

Delegation  of  the  European  Commission  to  the  Republic  of Belarus