When: Tuesday, 12. July 2011 18.30
Where: London, The Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3GA
Contact: (020 7324 2570)
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2011/06/12-july-yasmine-el-rashidi-on-revolution-in-egypt/

Yasmine El Rashidi’s contribution to Al-Sha`ab Yurid ‎(The People Demand) ‎الشعب يريد, a new collection of writings by participants in and witnesses to revolution across the Arab world, provides a personal account of the history, hope and struggle of the Egyptian people.I was born in Cairo in 1977. For years I explored the city in search of a space in which I could breathe — a small hole, a crack, a forgotten corner of something to call my own. I excavated Cairo through stories and characters: I wrote about it, photographed it, explored its architecture, its mapped and unmapped spaces. I made friends and then other friends, and spent hours, days, years, in search of a space, an answer, an understanding.

This evening of conversation with writer Yasmine El Rashidi will provide a moving and inspiring insight into a revolution: Why it is happening and what comes next. The talk will be chaired by Jo Glanville, editor of Index on Censorship magazine. Followed by a Q&A.

Tickets: £5 (£3 Concession).

Call 020 7324 2570 or email info@freewordonline.com to book.