When: Friday, 7. October 2011
To: Saturday, 22. October 2011
Where: Ilkley, Guildford, Durham, Manchester
Host: English PEN
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/penevents/writingfreedom/

English PEN continues its celebrations with a series of performances around the UK of Writing Freedom, a spoken word celebration in which today’s authors draw on the words of those who have led PEN’s fight over the last century, from HG Wells to Monica Ali. How do the free speech battles of the past affect writers and readers today?

Ilkley Literature Festival
Friday 7 October, 7.30pm
Readers at this performance of Writing Freedom will include John Siddique, Adam Foulds, Judith Adams and Gwyneth Lewis. Chaired by Jonathan Heawood.
Venue: St Margaret’s Hall, Wells Road, Ilkley LS29 9JH
Tickets: £5 / £3 concessions.
How to Book: Tickets are available from 30 August. Call the festival box office on 01943 816714 or book online at www.ilkleyliteraturefestival.org.uk

Guildford Book Festival
Saturday 15 October, 4.30pm
Readers at this performance of Writing Freedom will include Moris Farhi, Shaun Keaveny, Carole Seymour-Jones and Amanda Finelli.
Venue: University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH
Tickets:£5 / £3 concessions.
How to Book: Visit www.guildfordbookfestival.co.uk

Durham Book Festival
Tuesday 18 October, 8pm
Readers at this performance of Writing Freedom will include Pat Barker, Tony Williams, Janette Jenkins, Fadia Faqir and Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze.
Venue: Chapter House, Durham Cathedral, Durham, DH1 3EH
Tickets: £6 / £4 concessions.
How to Book: Call 01913 324041 or visit www.galadurham.co.uk or www.durhambookfestival.com

Manchester Literature Festival
Saturday 22 October, 3.30pm
Readers at this performance of Writing Freedom will include novelists Edward Docx and Catherine O’Flynn, and poets John McAuliffe and Shamshad Khan.
Venue: International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY
Tickets: £5 / £3 concessions.
How to Book: Call 08432 080500 or book online at www.manchesterliteraturefestival.co.uk

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