When: Monday, 14. November 2011
To: Friday, 2. December 2011
Where: Newcastle upon Tyne, The Foyer, Percy Building, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU
Host: English PEN
Contact: (0191 222 7619)
More info: www.englishpen.org/news/_1705/

Featured writers include 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo who is currently serving an eleven year sentence for his writings, Russian investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was shot dead in her Moscow apartment in 2006, and Burmese poet and comedian Zargana who was granted early release from his 35 year prison sentence earlier this year.

The aim of the exhibition is to bring these writers, and PEN’s work as a whole, to a wider audience than we might normally reach. We are therefore delighted that the exhibition will be on display at Newcastle University throughout November.

English PEN are also pleased to be collaborating with the Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts and Newcastle University in hosting an event with former Honorary Member Jack Mapanje who will be reading from and discussing his memoir And Crocodiles are Hungry at Night.

The event will take place on Thursday 24 November 2011, at 7pm in Culture Lab. Jack is a Malawian poet, linguist, editor and human rights activist, who has recently retired from Newcastle University. Jack was formerly the Head of the English department at Malawi University, and was imprisoned between 1987 and 1991 for his dissenting views and radical poetry. For more details please click here.

Tickets: £6/£4 concessions (including students) available online at www.ncl.ac.uk/ncla, or from Melanie Birch, 3rd floor Percy Building, Newcastle University, 0191 222 7619.