When: Tuesday, 5. July 2011 18.30
Where: London, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3GA
Host: English PEN In association with Index on Censorship
Contact: (020 7324 2570)
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/penevents/worldwithinworldstephenspender/

Spender’s biographer Professor John Sutherland, academic Dr Lara Feigel (currently editing a volume of Spender’s letters), poet Alan Jenkins and Lord Grey Gowrie, editor of Stephen Spender: Selected Poems, debate Spender’s complex legacy.

Tickets for this event cost £5 for English PEN members and £8 for non-members, including a glass of wine.

To book, please call the Free Word Centre on 020 7324 2570 or book online.