When: Wednesday, 9. September 2015 14:00-16:30
To: Wednesday, 9. September 2015
Where: Oslo, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29
Host: Human Rights House Network

Moderated by Riz Khan
International Journalist Prominent media professional, television host and author who rose to prominence as a journalist for BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera English.


  • Sanja Sarnavka 
    B.a.B.e., Human Rights House Zagreb
    Prominent women’s rights defender who is a leading figure in Croatian civil society.
  • Maina Kiai 
    United Nations Special Rapporteur
    Defining figure of Kenya’s human rights community and an outspoken UN representative.
  • Emin Milli 
    Meydan TV
    Former political prisoner in Azerbaijan, now building a media outlet that stands against repression.
  • Prof. Bernt Hagtvet 
    University of Oslo 
    Specialist on authoritarian regimes, European politics, extremist movements and human rights. Board Member, Human Rights House Foundation.

Opening Remarks: 

  • Olemic Thommessen 
    President of the Norwegian Parliament Politician and civil society actor who has been involved in culture, human rights, and democracy for three decades.
