When: Friday, 15. August 2014 10:30
To: Friday, 15. August 2014
Where: Kiev (Ukraine), УНІАН news agency
Host: Human Rights House Kiev
Contact: Florian Irminger, Head of Advocacy and HRHF Geneva Office (florian.irminger@humanrightshouse.org / +41 79 751 80 42)


  • Maryna Tsapok, Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors on Law-Enforcement
  • Roman Kuibida, Centre for Political and Legal Reforms
  • Sergei Zayats, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights
  • Igor Rozkladay, Media Law Institute
  • Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation (Geneva)

Moderator: Oleksandra Matviychuk, Centre for Civil Liberties

Contact: Maryna Govorukhina, tel: 050 612 00 20 

Press conference co-organised by the Information Centre on Human Rights and the Centre for Civic Liberties, supported by Human Rights House Foundation and Royal Netherlands Embassy
