When: Saturday, 15. August 2009 19:00 – 22:00
To: Saturday, 15. August 2009
Where: Tuzla, Bosnia, Tuzlanski korzo
Host: Association of Women Tuzlanke in cooperation with Renesansa
Contact: Snjezana Rubcic (renesans@bih.net.ba / + 387 33 618 274)
More info: www.renesansa.co.ba

87 women are on the waiting list for the cure against breast cancer, Herceptin which is, in most regional countries, available in pharmacies. This shameful and outrageous violations of right to life to these women must be stopped.

Association of Women Tuzlanke, together with Renesansa, is organizing signing of the petition: NO to the waiting list for Herceptin on Tuzla key on August 15ht, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

In order to reach wider public and make local, but as well international pressure on Federal Government of B&H, please sign the online petition:

NO to the waiting list for the cure Herceptin

Related articles:

Say NO to the waiting list ;

Women in F B&H struggle for life ;

Federation of B&H violates the right to life ;

Sarajevo: Call for signatures – past event.