When: Friday, 26. June 2009
To: Saturday, 27. June 2009
Where: Primosten, Croatia
Host: CMS
Contact: Lana Vego (cms.diskriminacija@gmail.com / Fax: + 387 1 482 00 94)

The aim of the training is to strengthen the capacity of these two target groups (NGO and media) for recognizing and monitoring discrimination, and implementing the Law on anti-discrimination. Participants will get familiarized with the concept of discrimination and new Law on anti-discrimination, as well as with EU legal standards regarding struggle against discrimination. The training lecturers will be foreign and local experts, and training will consists of introduction of the Law, introduction of the EU directives, court practice and practical work.

Deadline for application is 12.06.2009.

Application and more detailed info on the training, available for download.
