When: Wednesday, 23. June 2010
To: Friday, 25. June 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: CURE Foundation / Human Rights House of Sarajevo
Contact: Berina Meheljic (berina@fondacijacure.org)

The aim of the seminar is to introduce basic concept of women’s human rights, legal frameworks that guarantee these rights, and through interactive work critically consider modern Bosnian society from the prism of gender equality. 

Seminar / training is held for representatives of women’s formal and informal groups / organizations in BiH.

CURE Foundation organizes this seminar after the research results have shown that most wanted theme is “Women’s Human Rights”. 

Training will last for two days, a method of work includes short presentations, group work, research, workshops and additional activities (movies, surveys, etc.)

The costs of the seminar, accommodation, food and beverages, as well as refund of travel expenses shall be borne by CURE Foundation. 

Please send your application no later than June 18, 2010 until 17:00
