When: Friday, 3. April 2009
To: Sunday, 5. April 2009
Where: Kavadarci, Macedonia
Host: Hotel Feni
Contact: Tatjana Janevska (info@childrensembassy.org.mk / + 389 2 2465 316)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk

Aim of the training for representatives of civic organizations is to:

  • raise awareness of the trainee’s on children’s rights;
  • raise awareness of various types of violence upon children;
  • encourage constructive actions to prevent violence upon children;
  • familiarize the trainees with mechanisms for monitoring of children’s rights, getting to know the methodology and indicators for monitoring;
  • reactivate National coalition of governmental organizations of the Republic Macedonia on child rights, networking, cooperation and communication;
  • contribute to change of legal regulations and policy regarding children’s rights;
  • encourage joined engagament in the process of protection and advancing children’s rights;
  • initiate strong networking with governmental organizations to act together in the process of realizing children’s rights and democracy in general.

Training is a part of activities within the project "Building the Culture of Children’s Participation", implemented by The First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi and financed by European Commisson via EIDHR program.