When: Friday, 6. March 2009
To: Sunday, 8. March 2009
Where: Strumica, Macedonia
Host: Hotel Car Samoil
Contact: Gordana Pirkovska Zmijanac (info@childrenembassy.mk.org / + 389 2 463 900 ; + 389 7)

The First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi hast started the implementation of new project called Building the culture of children participation, which is financed by European Comission through their program for European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (ЕIDHR).

Through activities within this project First Children Embassy in the World Megjashi will enable for children to take active participation in decision making in various areas that are related to their rights.

As a final result of the project, Alternative report will be created for implementation of the Convention for children’s rights in Macedonia which is planned to be presented in front of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at UN in Geneva, on February 2010.