When: Wednesday, 10. March 2010 16:00
To: Wednesday, 10. March 2010
Where: Oslo, Chinese Embassy and the Norwegian Parliament
Host: Norwegian Tibet Committee

On this day, the Norwegian Tibet Committee (NTC) asks representatives of the People’s Republic of China to engage in dialogue for a solution to the Tibet conflict. Locked doors and closed gates, what has hitherto been the response to similar requests, will only serve to further reduce China’s reputation and credibility, says NTC. So will unfouded claims that Dalai Lama is a separatist and a liar, lacking the support of Tibetans.

NTC hosts the picket outside of the Chinese Embassy 10 March at 16:00 hrs, and then outside the Norwegian Parliament from 17:15 to 18:00 hrs. Appeals will be presented by NTC’s Chairman of the board Olav Gunnar Ballo, and MPs Olemic Thommesen, Trine Skei Grande and Stine Renate Håheim.

The programme ends with a screening of the new film ‘Sun behind the clouds’ at the Human Rights House in Oslo, Kirkegata 5, 5th floor, at 18:30.

For further information, please contact Olav Gunnar Ballo at +47 99 26 88 83, or Executive Director Chungdak Koren, +47 95 02 44 43.