When: Saturday, 11. April 2009 11:00
To: Saturday, 11. April 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House Sarajevo, CURE Foundation
Contact: Elvira Jahic (elvira@fondacijacure.org)

Introduction to the 3rd X-PRESS session will be made by Branka Inic, legal advisor in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H. According to the experience from over thousands cases that are being led by B&H judiciary, Mrs. Inic will talk about where do the independence and the unbiasedness of the court start and end, why presidents of judiciary rarely make decision of exclusion of judges, why the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H do not have representatives of NGOs, and how journalists that cover court trials may be more efficient.

X-PRESS sessions are organized by Helsinki Assembly of Citizens from Republic of Srpska and Foundation CURE and are envisioned as informal gatherings at breakfast, coffee, thematic video projections and analysis of actual cases of media reporting on marginalized and minority groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

They are attended by BH journalists and members of NGOs that represent marginalized and minority groups from B&H. Mutual aim is equal and fair approach to media for all social groups and respect of ethical standards of journalism profession. X-PRESS session are being realized in Sarajevo and Banjaluka.

Project is financed by Delegation of European Commission in B&H.
