When: Tuesday, 15. November 2011 17.00–19.00
Where: Oslo, Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo
Host: Democratic voice of Burma
Contact: (info@burma.no / + 47 915 76 251)
More info: www.fritt-ord.no/no/hjem/mer/burmas_stemme/

“The Voice of Burma” presents the radio and TV station, the Democratic Voice of Burma, throughout the past decade’s historic events in Burma. After the film screening, there will be a discussion about Burma – an incipient democracy? The panel will discuss new democratic tendencies and the trend in media freedom and freedom of expression in Burma one year after the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. 

Director Turid Rogne will be joined by Aye Chan Naing from the Democratic Voice of Burma and Inger Lise Husøy from the Norwegian Burma Committee