When: Wednesday, 22. April 2009
To: Wednesday, 22. April 2009
Where: Skopje, Macedonia, Main Square
Host: The First Childrens’ Embassy in the World – Megjashi
Contact: Bojana Jovanovska (info@childrenenbassy.org.mk / + 389 02 2465316)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk

On the 22 April in the schools all around the world will take place THE BIG READ, when the children will dedicate one school class on reading stories and discussing the importance of education.

THE BIG READ that will take place at the Main Square in the city of Skopje, and also on public places in other cities in Macedonia. On that day many scholars, teachers, parents, local public figures and many others, will take part in the reading of the stories from THE BIG READ STORY BOOK, which contains some life-changing short stories about the importance of education from all around the world.

Some of the stories in THE BIG BOOK are narrated by world famous public figures, such as: Nelson Mandela, Queen Rania (who is this year’s Honorary Chair of GCE Action Week), Alice Walker, Dakota Blue Richards, Paulo Coelho, and many local public figures from Macedonia.

THE BIG READ event is part of the activities of the Global Action Week 2009.

More info:

The Big Read – official website ;

Campaign for Education – related event.