When: Sunday, 1. September 2013
To: Friday, 20. September 2013
Where: Vilnius
Host: The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House
Contact: (administrator.belarus@humanrightshouse.org)

The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House works in exile in Vilnius since 2007 and helps human rights defenders in their work.The house organises trainings and provides space and facilities for different activities and events (seminars, schools, trainings, conferences) to human rights defenders, NGOs, journalists, students, teachers and researchers.

The main areas of the volunteer help:

– helping in organizing and holding activities

– technical assistance for the processing of documents and information

– analytical work;

– journalistic work during specific events (for photojournalists);

– developing of creative ideas

– other types of assistance – depending on the wishes, abilities and opportunities.

It should be noted that the work of trainees is based on the interest and enthusiasm, and is not paid. However, this type of activities provides volunteers with the possibility of self-realization and participation in interesting Belarusian and international projects, seminars and lectures, as well as gives opportunities to get new useful contacts, knowledge and experience.

All interested should send CV and cover letter to the address administrator.belarus@humanrightshouse.org until September 20.