When: Thursday, 17. November 2011
To: Friday, 18. November 2011
Where: Oslo, House of Literature, Amalie Skram
Host: Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, in co-operation with Norwegian PEN, The Norwegian Union of Journalists, The Norwegian Institute of Journalism
More info: www.norskpen.no/ArticleDetails/tabid/64/ArticleID/1147/Litteraturhuset-17-18-11-The-Arab-Spring-and-Beyond.aspx

Media freedom and freedom of expression will be an important part of the discussion. You will meet prominent speakers from the Arabic world and beyond, as well as from Norway. The conference will treat important issues related to the Arab Spring: about the historic roots; intervention policy, freedom of expression, the role of social and traditional media, and challenges for journalism.

Registration to: sharam.alghasi@sai.uio.no (Indicate what days you participate).
 Participation is free of charge, lunch included.

17th November:
09.30-10.00 – Registration
 10.00 – 10.15: Welcome; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gry Larsen, Elisabeth Eide, HiOA
I) 10.15 – 12.00: Behind the Stories: Covering Revolutions
Ahmad Sheikh, Editor-in Chief, Al Jazeera; Quatrina Hussain, Express-TV, Pakistan: Pakistan’s lawyer movement, and the current waves of influence of the Arab spring on Pakistan; Sidsel Wold, NRK, Norway Arab spring – seen from Palestine and Libya; Ammar Al-Hamdan, Al Jazeera: Experiences from Libya.
 Moderator: Elisabeth Eide

 12.00-12.30: The Significance of Freedom: Arab Women and Revolution
 A film project.  Truls Lie, Le Monde diplomatique

 1230 – 1330: Lunch

II) 1330: Social Media: Overrated, underrated? National Varieties.
 Walid al Saqaf, Yemen/University of Örebro; Amal Wahab, correspondent for Klassekampen, Cairo, Gilda Seddighi, University of Bergen
 Moderator: Kristin Skare Orgeret

 15.00 – 15.30: Coffee break

III) 1530-1700: Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom. How Free?
 Kamel Labidi, Tunisia, chair of NARIC*; Ghias Aljundi, Syria/International PEN; Dag Herbjørnsrud, Ny Tid, Oslo
 Moderator: Carl Morten Iversen

 *NARIC is the National Independent Authority for Reform of Information and Communication, in Tunisia, set up after the revolution-

18th November:
0930: Welcome – performance by price-winning musician Javid Afari Rad

 I) 1000 – 1230: Panel discussion: History’s back-cloth in today’s uprisings: A review of community and media processes on the road to revolution
Unni Wikan, Norway; Kamel Labidi, Tunisia; Amal Wahab, Egypt, Lars Gule, Oslo & Akershus University College, Sanar Yurdatapan, publisher, Turkey
  Moderator: Iver B. Neumann
 General discussion

 1230 – 1330: Lunch

II) 1330 – 1630: Panel discussion:  National Media, Intervention and non-intervention policy
Sidsel Wold, NRK: Ahmed Sheikh, Al-Jazeera, Gholam Khiabany, Iran/UK, Pinar Tank, Turkey/PRIO
 Moderator: Sharam Alghasi

Most speakers confirmed, but changes may occur.