When: Tuesday, 4. August 2015 13:00 – 13:30
To: Tuesday, 4. August 2015
Where: Vilnius, Town Hall Square (Rotušės aikštė)
Host: The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House and Freedom House

You are welcome to join the organizers at the Town Hall Square (Rotušės aikštė) in Vilnius at 13:00 on Tuesday, 4 August. You will have an opportunity to sign postcards to Belarusian political prisoners, take a photo with posters in solidarity with the civil society in Belarus and to talk with the new generation of the human rights defenders. Media will have a chance for interview with human rights defender and coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty” Andrei Paluda and updates on the situation of the political prisoners in Belarus.

The action scheduled for half an hour will end with a rally. Participants, holding the portraits of political prisoners in Belarus and posters calling for their immediate release, will march down to the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House (Latako, 3).

To date, 6 Belarusians are imprisoned for their political beliefs. Since 1996, the existence of political prisoners in Belarus has become a permanent issue. Several thousand people have been subjected to all sorts of harassment and repression. Four former political opponents of the president have disappeared, none of the cases has been investigated yet.

Time of the action: 13.00 – 13.30

Location: Town Hall Square

Organizers of the action: The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House and Freedom House

All who wish to support civil society in Belarus will be able to do this in several ways:

➢ send a card (or letter of support) to the political prisoners

➢ take a photo with relevant posters

➢ spread the information about the Day of Solidarity through social networks http://by.soli-day.org/en

In previous years, the activities of the action took place in dozens of countries around the world. This year, a variety of actions of solidarity will also be held in different countries around the world, including Lithuania.


Join us, because solidarity is stronger than repressions!