When: Wednesday, 20. October 2010 13.00
To: Wednesday, 20. October 2010
Where: Oslo, NUPI , C.J. Hambros plass 2 D
Host: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and Norwegian Burma Committee
More info: www.nupi.no/Arrangementer/Kommende-arrangement/The-2010-Election-in-Burma-Myanmar-in-Historical-Perspective

Burma/Myanmar will hold its first elections in 20 years on November 7, 2010. Critics of the regime at home and abroad expect post-election governance to sustain the repressive state apparatus currently in place. What lessons of past elections in Burma/Myanmar can help us understand the bleak forecast for the coming elections and the governments that follow?

Lecture by Mary Callahan followed by a dialogue between Jan Egeland and Mary Callahan.
Comments by chief editor of Democratic Voice of Burma, Aye Chan Naing

Mary Callahan is Associate Professor and Director of the International Studies Program at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. She has studied the Burmese military for almost 20 years and “is one of the few scholars who understands and writes well about the Burmese military”, according to a review of her book Making Enemies: War and State Building in Burma (2003).