When: Friday, 10. June 2011
Host: Norwegian Helsinki Committee
Contact: (Parvina@nhc.no; Wetteland@nhc.no / +7 701 944 80 58; +47 976)
More info: www.nhc.no/no/nyheter/Small+Grant+Fund+for+Kazakhstan+and+vacancy+as+assistant+announced.9UFRzKXF.ips

NHC encourages projects targeting compliance with the
commitments the government made in connection with the 2010 OSCE
chairmanship, but
organizations with
proposals related to human
rights, democratization or furthering of civil society

Download the announcement here

Download the announcement in russian here

The NHC is expanding its work in the Central Asia region and is looking for a well-organised person assisting the Program Manager in practical arrangements and research at the Representative Office in Almaty.

Download the announcement here

Download the announcement in Russian here