When: Monday, 5. October 2009 18:30
To: Monday, 5. October 2009
Where: Oslo, House of Literature
Host: Norwegian Tibet Committee and The Norway – Nelap Association
Contact: Olav Gunnar Ballo (+47 99268883)
More info: www.tibet.no

Approximately 1, 5 billion people in Asia are depends on the water that flows in rivers start in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. The area has the largest fresh water occurrence in the world after South Pole and North Pole. Due to this fact, the region is also called the 3rd pole. But the glaciers in this Asian water tower are melting rapidly.

CICERO the Center of Climate Studies, together with the research institutes UNEP / Grid Arendal and the Norwegian institute for Nature Research (NINA), will present a joint research report on climate changes in The Himalayas to the climate conference in Copenhagen(COP15).


  • Welcome address by Executive Director of the Norwegian Tibet Committee Chungdak Koren.
  • Presentation of the speakers and moderator by The Chairman of
    Norwegian Tibet Committee, Mr Olav Gunnar Ballo
  • A testimony by Lobsang Dhargyal Lhalung Tsang, who lived in an
    area inhabited by nomads in Tibet.
  • The consequences of the Global climate changes in the Himalayas by
    Halvor Dannevig, Cicero – www.cicero.uio.no The Center of
    Climate Studies.
  • Norwegian Governments and climate changes in Himalaya by Deputy
    Minister Mrs Heidi Sørensen, Ministry of Environment.
  • Questions and Answer from audience start with a short challenge to
    the panelist by Mr Roy Arne Varsi, Norwegian Tibet Committee
    board member.
  • Conclusion of panel discussion by Dag Norling, leader of The
    Norway – Nepal Association.
  • Music by Martin Solholm and Eirik Humlen.
  • Presentation of the film “Meltdown in Tibet”.  
