When: Saturday, 20. February 2010 10 a.m.
To: Sunday, 21. February 2010
Where: Moscow, Museum and Public Center of Andrei Sakharov
Host: Russian Research Center for Human Rights
Contact: Eugenia Adrova (adrosha@mail.ru / 8-903-122-89-40)

Russian Research Center for Human Rights holds a positioning seminar for the participants of the project ‘Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” which is a part of an international educational program for lawyers and human rights defenders (http://humanrightshouse.org/Projects/ILIA/EHREL/index.html). The program aims to increase the knowledge and skills of lawyers in international human rights protection; facilitate the implementation of international human rights standards in national practice and provide better protection for HR defenders and victims of fundamental rights violations. 

The main objective of the project is to enable lawyers and human rights defenders to get systematic distant education in the sphere of human rights, to promote a greater understanding of HR law among lawyers, to improve their abilities to apply international human law in their everyday work on a national level. The project will contribute to better defense of fundamental freedoms in countries where the population and civil society would benefit from the direct application of interna­tional HR standards within national court procedures and practice by legal professionals.

Lyudmila Uliashina, manager of the international educational program for lawyers and human rights defenders (Human Rights House Foundation, Norway), Eugenia Adrova, coordinator of the project ‘Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” in Russia (Russian Research Center for Human Rights, Moscow, Russia) and an expert of the project Boris Panteleev (Russian Research Center for Human Rights, Moscow, Russia) will present the program, its objectives, methods, expected impact and results, e-platform and e-library, developed by the European Humanitarian University (Lithuania, Vilnius) and discuss all other important details of the educational process with the participants.