When: Monday, 20. April 2009
To: Monday, 20. April 2009

United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (BHRHV) announce a selection for candidates to participate in the election observation project.
Candidates will complete a week-long intensive study course in Vilniusdesigned by the prominent Norwegian political scientists with previous experiences in numerous international observation missions. Also they will participate in two international observation missions in 2009 as accredited short term international observers: the presidential elections in Lithuania on 17 May 2009 and presidential elections in Ukraine on 25 October 2009.Upon the successful course completion participants will receive a special EHU certificate and a SILC certificate.
Potential candidates will have to:
· fill out an application form and write a motivation letter; (compulsory)
· be from 18 to 35 years of age; (compulsory)
· exhibit strong civic position and interest, be active and up bit (compulsory);
· be members or activists of NGO’s and/or civic initiatives; (preferred);
· provide a reference from a respected NGO, initiative or civic project; (compulsory)
· speak and understand English (not compulsory);
· be in Vilnius from 11 till 18 May for a training session and the election observation (organizers will provide visa support and accommodation).
Previous experiences in election observation both domestic and international are welcome but not necessary.
Application dead line: 20 April.
Send applications to e-mail: monitoringproject@ehu.lt
Successful candidates will additionally be invited for an interview.
Please note, that a selection call for EHU students (all forms of study) and Lithuanian nationals will be announced later. Only applications from Belarusian civil society members will be considered within the framework of this call.
Due to the fact that the final approval of the project is pending, the organizers may have to recall the project implementation. However, your applications will have priority for any further election observation projects.