When: Monday, 15. April 2013 19.00
Where: Vilnius, Vilnius, Skalvija Cinema Centre ( A. Goštauto g. 2/15)
Host: Lithuanian film festival “Inconvenient films”, Belarusian Human Rights House
Contact: (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +37052127703)

Film of independent Belarusian documentary film maker, author and director Volha Nikalaychyk "Torture in Belarus. Apocalypse" is a trilogy. The film tells about torture, humiliation, abuse and human rights violations committed by law enforcement officials and representatives of various security agencies. The plot of the film consists of several stories: ex-presidential candidate in the 2010 elections, Ales Mikhalevich abused in the KGB jail, lawyer Pavel Levinau was almost accused of terrorism, youth activist Andrei Molchan was brutally beaten by police, Ukrainian FEMEN activists suffered torture and humiliation for a performance near the KGB building in Minsk.

The film was made in 2013, with the support of the "Belarusian Human Rights House", duration – 86 minutes.

The idea – initiative "Human Rights Defenders Against Torture." Production and Studio – BRAMAFILM.

The program includes:

19:00 – 20:30 Screening of the film "Torture in Belarus. Apocalypse "

20:30-21:30 Discussion with the director and politicians from Belarus

Language of discussion: Russian and Lithuanian (If  translation into English is required, please inform the organizers – belarus@humanrightshouse.org, +37052127703)

Participant of discussion: director Volha Nikalaychyk and heroes of the film