When: Wednesday, 24. March 2010 12:30-15:30
To: Wednesday, 24. March 2010
Where: Oslo, NUPI, C.J. Hambros plass 2 D
Host: Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Programme (12.30-15.30)

Human Rights
Chair: Bjørn Engesland, The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

·        “Confessions and Conspiracies: Linking Torture, Law, and Subjectivity in Current Chechnya”
Mantas Kvedaravicius, Cambridge University

·        “The current status of human rights in Chechnya”
Usam Baisaev, Memorial

Coffee break

Conflict dynamics
Chair: Jan Egeland, NUPI (tbc)

·        “Recent developments in the North Caucasus: terrorism and protests in 2009”
Grigory Shvedov, Caucasian Knot

·        “Russia’s policies toward the North Caucasus”
Julie Wilhelmsen, NUPI

“Future perspectives: Is there a way out?”