When: Friday, 11. May 2012 18.00
Where: Vilnius, Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius (Latako str. 3).
Host: VISA-FREE travel campaign Go Europe! Go Belarus! and NGO Belarus Watch
Contact: Mariana Sutkienė (+37067162014)

Ms. Sushko represents NGO “Europe Without Barriers”, a leading civil society actor lobbying for domestic reforms needed for Ukraine to meet EU visa-free movement criteria.

The following topics will be covered during the lecture:

– prospects for the Eastern Partnership countries to achieve visa liberalization;

– how Belarus and Ukraine appear on the EU visa map;

– right to freedom of movement for third country nationals: theory and practice;

– fundamentals of the EU visa and migration policy;

– what the civil society and the state institutions should do to spur visa facilitation and visa-free movement.

Activists of the VISA-FREE travel campaign, other civil society activists and media, as well as representatives of state institutions are invited to take part in the event. Besides, the lecture is open to anyone interested in efforts to promote people-to-people contacts between EU and Belarus.

Duration of the lecture, Q&A included: 1h 45 min.

Languages: Russian/Belarusian and English (simultaneous interpretation provided).

Please RSVP to belaruswatch@belaruswatch.org with your name, organization and phone number.