When: Tuesday, 16. June 2009 17:00
To: Tuesday, 16. June 2009
Where: Vukovar. Croatia, Vukovarske brigade 86
Host: Info Youth Center 204
Contact: Sara Lalic (mladi.rekom@gmail.com / + 387 1 482 0094)

Why the Republic of Croatia is not in the European Union ? Why are Croatian laws "dead letters on paper" ? Why don’t Croatian citizens have freedom of movement like citizens of France, Italy or Germany ? Why do citizen vote for those who are accused of committing war crimes ? Why we always talk about heroes and criminals, and never about victims ? Why don’t we know destinies of missing persons ? Why the names of all who were killed during the war, are still not published ? Why hate-speeches continously gather people in concert halls and public squares ? Why is youth fleeing out of the country ? Why the schools are not educating children to exchange their opinions and critically reason things ? Is that linked to the fact that relations in the region are still being viewed through the ’90s happenings ? Is it linked to the fact that we don’t know about majority of things that were happening in the ’90s ? Why the responsible persons are not giving us answers ?

All these questions will be a subject of dicussion, organized by Center for Peace Studies (CMS), Legalis, Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR), Croatian Youth Network (MMH) and Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past.

Discussion will be organized in two more cities in Croatia: 

  • Rijeka – Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, on Thursday 18.06. at 4 p.m. and
  • Zagreb – Center for Independent Culture and Youth Zagreb, on Saturday, 20.06. at 10 a.m.