Where: Vilnius, Latako 3
Host: Human Rights House, Norwegian Helsinki Committee in cooperation with Belarusian Association of Journalists and Legal Initiative
Contact: Anna Gerasimova (director.belarus@humanrightshouse.org / + 370 5 212 7703)

At the seminar through a group work points of interaction will be deliberated between two very important segments of the Belarusian society, journalists and human rights defenders.

BelSAT TV channel will present and propose a discussion club of its programmes and documentaries related to human rights.

Norwegian and Belarusian ethical standards of journalism (investigative reports, objective information, and defence of victims) will be compared. Norwegian colleagues will share their experience of coverage human rights violations in mass media with Belarusians.  

Cases of freedom of expression violations and access to information in Belarus, prepared by BAJ, HRH Foundation and Legal Initiative, will be considered. 

Examples of legal processes, which influence the work of journalists and human rights defenders, from the practice of European Human Rights Court will be studied.