When: Tuesday, 13. October 2015 12:00-13:30
To: Tuesday, 13. October 2015
Where: Vilnius, The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House (Latako g. 3)

The early voting started on 6 October, and already within the first two day independent observers register numerous cases of coercion of students and workers of state enterprises to participate in early voting. In addition, independent observers register overestimation of casted votes by the representatives of election commissions. During the press conference representatives of the campaigns “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”, “Right to Choose-2015” and Electby will talk about these and other results of the monitoring of the presidential election in Belarus, analyze the political implications of the election and answer the questions.

Language of the press conference: Belarusian and Russian with English translation.

Live broadcast of the press conference in English will be available at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hrhbelarus

For more information, contact: belarus@humanrightshouse.org or call +370 5 212 7703.

Read more about the initiatives, that will take part in the press conference:

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections (http://elections2015.spring96.org/eng) – the campaign of election observation during the 2015 presidential election is carried out by the Human Right Center “Viasna” and the RHRPA “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”. The campaign is aimed at evaluating the election from the viewpoint of the Belarusian eletoral legislation and international standards of free and democratic elections, as well as informing the Belarusian public and international community about the progress of the election and results of observation.

“Right to Choose-2015” (http://pvby.org) – campaign for the election observation, that unites eight organizations: Belarusian People’s Front (BPF), Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD), Belarusian Social-Democratic Party “Hramada”, “For Freedom” Movement, “Tell the Truth!” Civic Campaign, “The Greens” party, organizing committee of Party of Freedom and Progress (PFP), Belarusian Trade Union of Radio-Electronic Industry (REP). The main aim of the campaign is to protect the real will of the citizens, through the prevention of violations of the law at all stages of the election campaign, recording of the violations and responding to them promptly.

Electby.org (http://www.electby.org) – an open platform, the main function of which is collecting reports about the election campaign from the citizens and their automatic visualization on the map of Belarus.