When: Wednesday, 10. February 2010 11:30
To: Wednesday, 10. February 2010
Where: Zagreb, Croatia, Selska 112 a and c
Host: Human Rights House Zagreb
Contact: Sanja Sarnavka (sanjasarnavka@gmail.com / +385 1 46 63 666; 457 239)

Human Rights House of Zagreb organizes tomorrow a press conference at 10:30 AM in its premises placed in Selska 112 a and c.

Press conference has the aim to send open letters addressed to Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and to the newly elected President of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic (see attached).

"It flows and flows, flows a waterfall, what in it means my little drop?”

There is no new equity or unsparing struggle against bribery and corruption without facing and solving the case of Vesna Balenovic.

Speakers on the conference:

  • Vesna Terselic, Documenta- Dealing with the Past;
  • Zoran Pusic – Citizens’ Committee for Human Rights;
  • Sanja Sarnavka – B.a.B.e.;
  • Vesna Balenovic – whistle blower.


  • Open Letter – Josipovic

    Open letter to the president of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic, regarding the case of Vesna Balenovic (in Croatian).
  • Open Letter – Kosor

    Open letter to the Prime Minister, Jadranka Kosor, regarding the case of Vesna Balenovic (in Croatian).
  • Organized by: