When: Monday, 16. November 2015 18:30
To: Monday, 16. November 2015
Where: Vilnius
Contact: (kuchynski.dzianis.12@student.ehu.lt)

The new book of the famous Belarusian writer was the result of his 15-year intense labor. The basis of the work is a controversial history of Marc Chagall, the outstanding artist of the twentieth century. The process of writing the book included long-term studies of the Vitebsk Art School, a comprehensive analysis of the actual material from the archives and biographical data about the life of one of the most prominent natives of Belarus. Marc Chagall spent most of his life in emigration, creating his masterpieces, which were imbued with Belarusian motives, outside of the country. “Homeland. Marc Chagall in Vitebsk” concentrates on the Vitebsk period of the artist’s life (1914-1915, 1918-1920).

Being misunderstood and rejected by his compatriots during his lifetime, the experimenter left behind a legacy that is now on his native land considered to be Belarusian. One of the central issues raised in the book by Martinovich is: «Why don’t we appreciate what is ours and our talented countrymen find recognition at their homeland?»

Victor Martinovich is a Belarusian art critic and writer, the author of the acclaimed novel “Paranoia”, “Stsyudzёny viral”, “Sphagnum”, “Mova”. In 2008 the writer defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “Vanguard of Vitebsk (1918-1922): a socio-cultural context and art criticism” at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. The writer also is a professor of the European Humanities University and is actively cooperating with it through regular lectures, master classes and presentations.

On November 16 readers will get a unique opportunity to meet Victor Martinovich personally and build their own vision of the problem concerned.

 To participate in the presentation, please RSVP at kuchynski.dzianis.12@student.ehu.lt