When: Tuesday, 1. December 2015 15:00
To: Tuesday, 1. December 2015
Where: Vilnius
Contact: (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +370 5212 77 03)

The book “Invincible Marynich” consists of three language versions – English, Belarusian and Russian – and includes the last thoughts and a lot of photos from the archives of Mikhail Marynich – Belarusian politician, diplomat, and later political prisoner. Marynich was an Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, served as minister of foreign economic relations, but after joining the political opposition he was imprisoned. The UN Committee on Human Rights recognized Marynich as a victim of political repressions, and his trial as unfair. Mikhail Marynich died on 17 October 2014.

Along with the author a former political prisoner, the chairman of the human rights center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski will speak at the presentation. The Board member of “Viasna” and the president of the Belarusian HRH Tatsiana Reviaka will act as the moderator of the event.

Aliaksandr Tamkovich is a journalist, and the author of several books about important political developments in Belarus and their impact on the fate of people – political prisoners, civil society activists and human rights defenders. This is the 17th book by Aliaksandr Tamkovich on the Belarusian public political and cultural figures, and civil society representatives.

The presentation will be held in Belarusian language with English translation.

Please confirm your participation until 30 November inclusive, via email: belarus@humanrightshouse.org. In order to get answers to your questions, please call +370 5212 77 03.