When: Tuesday, 8. January 2013 16.00-18.00
Where: Vilnius, Belarusian Human Rights House at Latako str. 3, Vilnius.
Contact: (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +37052127703 )

"The Dress" (46 mins.) is the first Belarusian feminist documentary. It has been made by a group of authors as a video essay on how social "clothing" affects our personalities and how we present ourselves to the world.

Presentation will take place from 16:00 to 18:00 on January 8, 2013 in the Belarusian Human Rights House at Latako str. 3, Vilnius.

The project "Development of gender sensitivity in Belarus" was carried out in 2011-2012 by Belarusian Human Rights House in cooperation with the Center for Gender Studies of European Humanities University, Belarusian Association of Journalists, Law Initiative, the International Center for Gender Initiatives "Adliga: Women for full citizenship ", the Third Sector Centre and was aimed at encouraging and developing gender literacy and sensitivity in the Belarusian society for the development of the gender equality and respect for women’s rights in Belarus.

Project participants, organizers and representatives of the partner organizations will be attending the presentation. The screening and the presentation will be followed by a small reception.