When: Friday, 11. September 2009 12:00
To: Friday, 11. September 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia
Host: Historic Museum of B&H
Contact: CURE Foundation (info@fondacijacure.org / + 387 33 270 610)
More info: www.pitchwise.fondacijacure.org

The PitchWise Festival opening will happen on 11th of September 2009 at 12,00 in Historic Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with photo exhibition “Feminist and Peace Activism in the Region” and two young rap girls, Eya and Sarah.

To have a good time, visit Cinemas – Sloga on Friday night. At 8 p.m. girls from FemForum Theatre, CURE Network, will do a performance. They are students of Center for Drama Education (CDO).

In Cinemas – Sloga at 10 p.m. there will also be a performance of Elektropionirke (Electropioneers), female audio-visual act from Banja Luka, and original party will be led by well-known DJana Flore (France) who is in Sarajevo again, promoting her new album “Raw”.

All the details on program and participants, you may find here: www.pitchwise.fondacijacure.org

If you wish to apply to workshops, please contact CURE Office on telephone numbers provided above.

All events are without fee.


  • Official Call

    Official call for the opening (in Bosnian).
  • Organized by: