When: Wednesday, 20. January 2010
To: Thursday, 21. January 2010
Where: Skopje, Macedonia
Host: Best Western Hotel
Contact: Nade Kachakova (nade.kachakova@mwrc.org.mk)

Macedonian Women’s Rights Center – Shelter Center is attending a traning arranged for the NGOs which refers to providing legal 
aid to victims of domestic violence.

The training is based on the standards for offering legal aid and (proposal) of Guide for Implementation of Legal Aid Standards for the Victims of Domestic Violence by the NGO-s. The aim of this 2 day training is to look  through the legal opportunities and methods for providing, offering and giving legal aid by those  NGO-s which has such  capacity. The training will serve for exchanging experience and good practices by  all participants in specific areas where they have their own input  through their lasting work.

It is organized by UNIFEM Office in Skopje as part of United Nations Joint Programme to Prevent Domestic Violence.