When: Wednesday, 9. December 2009
To: Sunday, 3. January 2010
Where: Skopje, Macedonia
Host: The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi
Contact: Megjashi Embassy (info@childrensembassy.org.mk)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk/

For the past five years, The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi is selling New Year’s postcards made by participants of the children’s workshops of the Embassy Megjashi.

All collected fund goes for financing:

  • Free SOS telephone for children and youth 082 1 22 22;
  • Fight against pedophilia and any other form of abusement of children;
  • Daily centre for the street children;
  • Free legal service.

Buy a postcard and invest nto children’s safety.
