When: Tuesday, 8. October 2013 6 pm
To: Tuesday, 8. October 2013
Where: Geneva
Host: Uni-Dufour
More info: www.martinennalsaward.org/.

The City of Geneva and the Martin Ennals Foundation are honored to invite you to the 2013 edition of this award. The laureate will be announced at the Ceremony on: 

 October 8th 2013, 6 pm, at Uni-Dufour, Geneva,

during the opening day of the human rights week which will be hosted by the University of Geneva from October 2013 8th to 11th 2013. 

The three human rights defenders selected as Final Nominees for the 2013 Martin Ennals Award are: 

Ms Mona Seif (Egypt) who is one of the core founders of the ”No To Military Trials for Civilians”, a grassroots initiative that aims to stop military trials for civilians in Egypt. 

The Joint Mobile Group (Russia) seeks accountability for human rights abuses in Chechnya, notably enforced disappearances, torture in custody, and extra-judicial executions. 

Mr Mario Joseph (Haïti) has been referred to as Haiti’s most prominent human rights lawyer, and has worked on some of the most important cases including the one against former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier.             

These nominees were carefully selected by the Jury of the Martin Ennals Award, made up of ten of the World’s leading human rights organizations: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, International Federation for Human Rights, World Organisation Against Torture, Frontline Defenders, the International Commission of Jurists, German Diakonie, the International Service for Human Rights, and HURIDOCS. 

The City of Geneva, firmly committed to the promotion of human rights, has supported this award since 2005. 

Save this date in your agenda! Should you wish to attend this public ceremony, please register here.