When: Tuesday, 14. December 2010 4 p.m.
To: Tuesday, 14. December 2010
Where: Moscow, Krasnogorsk
Host: Government of Moscow region
Contact: Evgenia Morozova (moroooorkk@rambler.ru)

Two representatives from Russian Research center for Human Rights, Chief Editor of Dosh magazine and Editorial Director Abdulla Duduev will be members of the Public Supervising Committee in Moscow Region.

The Committees are organized in all the federal subjects of Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law on Public Control in closed establishments of Russia, passed in 2008.

The members of the Committees are authorized to visit prisons and detention centers, respond to citizens’ complaints, and prepare reports on the results f the visits for state bodies and the society, cooperation with the public, state bodies, and ombudsmen to implement f international standards of human rights law.