When: Wednesday, 28. October 2009 12 – 2pm
Where: London, Free Word Centre
Host: The Burmese Theatre Workshop, English PEN
More info: www.englishpen.org/events/otherevents/letmeoutofhell/

Burmese Theatre Workshop takes the audience back to Burma in May 2008, struggling to cope with the effects of the worst natural disaster in history, Cyclone Nargis. Travelling from the country’s Golden Pagoda to the devastated Delta Region, the audience learn the stories of a victim of the cyclone and an imprisoned businessman. A foreign observer explains the remarkable reaction of the people forced – in the absence of foreign aid – to pick up the pieces themselves.

The performance starts at 12 noon, with a post-show talk at 1.15pm.

This is a free event, and all are welcome. To reserve a place, please email cat@englishpen.org