When: Monday, 25. March 2013
To: Saturday, 30. March 2013
Where: Vilnius
Contact: Kiryl Atamanchyk (k.atamanchyk@gmail.com / +37067516062)

Belarusian Week events will begin on Monday, 25 March, with a celebration of Independence Day at the Rasų cemetery. Memorial wreaths will be laid to honor the signatories of the Act of Independence of the Belarusian National Republic. The ceremony will be followed by an evening gala event in Vilnius City Hall.

On March 26, the conference–titled What Can Belarus Expect from Lithuania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union?–will commence in Lithuania’s Parliament. On 27 and 28 March, guests are invited to a festival of short films, Cinema Perpetuum Mobile, and contemporary documentaries, produced by Belfilm Association.Visitors will also be invited to Open Door Day at EHU on 30 March.

Belarusian Week will close with the music festival "Feel Free!" featuring the Belarusian groups Krambambulia and Neuro Dubel, as well as the Lithuanian group Biplan. Belarusian Week in Vilnius is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian National Republic’s Declaration of Independence, 25 March 1918.


25–30 March 2013


 Monday, 25 March

Flower-laying ceremony at the graves of the signatories to the Belarusian National Republic (BNR)

Time and venue: Noon–1 p.m. Rasų Cemetery (Rasų 32)

Entrance: Free


Gala dedicated to the BNR Independence Act signed on 25 March 1918

Time and venue: Reception: 6–8 p.m. Vilnius City Hall (Didžioji 31)

Entrance: By invitation or preliminary registration only*

•             Opening speeches

•             Performance by an ethno-vocal trio from Belarus, Akana NHS

•             Opening of exhibition dedicated to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights        

 *Registration by email: belarus.95anniversary@gmail.com by the end of business day March 21. Please indicate your name, surname, title, your organisation, and contact phone number and email.


Tuesday, March 26

 What Can Belarus Expect from Lithuania’s Presidency of the Council of the EU? Conference at the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

Time and venue: 1–3 p.m. Seimas (Gedimino 53), Constitution Hall, Building III

Entrance: By invitation or preliminary registration only*

*Registration by email: belarus.95anniversary@gmail.com by the end of business day March 21. Please indicate your name, surname, title, your organisation, and contact phone number and email.


 Wednesday, March 27

 Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Short Film Festival (filmfest.by)

Time and venue: 6–8:30 p.m. Belarusian Human Rights House (Latako 3)

Entrance: Free


Thursday, March 28

 Modern Belarusian Documentaries: Films by Viktar Asliuk (Member, European Film Academy) and Volha Dashuk presented by BelFilm

Time and venue: 4–8:30 p.m. Belarusian Human Rights House (Latako 3)

Entrance: Free


Saturday, March 30

 Open Door Day at the European Humanities University

Time and venue:

•             11 a.m.–1 p.m. presentation of educational opportunities and academic programs at EHU

•             1–2:30 p.m. meeting with the EHU administration

European Humanities University (Valakupių 5)

Entrance: Free


«Feel Free!» Music Festival featuring Krambambulya, Neuro Dubel (Belarus) and Biplan (Lithuania)

Time and venue: 9 p.m. LOFTAS (Švitrigailos 29)

Entrance: By complimentary tickets or invitation only