When: Tuesday, 9. December 2014 14:00-14:20
To: Tuesday, 9. December 2014
Where: Vilnius, European Information Office of the Seimas (Seimas Building 3, Gedimino av. 53)
Host: Belarusian HRH and Freedom House
Contact: (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +370 5 212 77 03/63)
During the discussion, Belarusian and Lithuanian human rights defenders, civic leaders and relatives of the political prisoners in Belarus will discuss the changing geopolitical environment and its effects of the human rights agenda in Belarus.
Vytis Jurkonis, project director at Freedom House, will present the international context which affects the decision making process in Brussels and the neighbouring countries of Belarus debating whether geopolitical arguments can overweight the agenda of human rights and democracy.
Anna Gerasimova, director of the Belarusian Human Rights House, will provide the updates on key human rights challenges and expectations for the upcoming Universal Periodic Review on Belarus at the United Nations.
Andrei Paluda, coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”, will specifically focus on the issue of the death penalty in Belarus. Finally, the relatives of the political prisoners will share their personal stories and their perspective on the solidarity of international community.
The speakers of the event:
– Anna Gerasimova, director, Belarusian Human Rights House;
– Vytis Jurkonis, project director, Freedom House;
– Andrei Paluda, coordinator of the campaign "Human rights defenders against the death penalty in Belarus";
and relatives of the political prisoners.
The follow-up of the discussion will be an exhibition “Capital Punishment” organized by the Belarusian photographer Siarhei Balay and portraying mothers of the executed people in Belarus.
Guests need to register in order to attend the event. You can register until 8 December by e-mail: belarus@humanrightshouse.org. To register, you must specify your first name and last name, contact phone number, the name of the organization you represent.