When: Wednesday, 23. November 2011
Where: worldwide
Host: Members of a global network the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX).
More info: www.daytoendimpunity.org/

Beginning on 1 November, and continuing for 23 days, Index reveals a story each day of a journalist, writer or free expression advocate who was killed in the line of duty on that day and whose case has remained unsolved. These people should not be forgotten.

23 November marks the anniversary of the 2009 Ampatuan massacre, in which 34 journalists were murdered in an election-related killing in the Philippines, making it the single deadliest incident for journalists in recent history.

Poster contest
The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) is running a poster contest for the International Day to End Impunity. Vote for your favourite poster from 7 to 21 November.

IFEX is a global network of organizations working to defend and promote the right to freedom of expression.