When: Tuesday, 28. June 2011 18.30-20.00
Where: London, Sheikh Zayed Theatre, London School of Economics and Political Science, New Academic Building
Host: Index on Censorship
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/category/events/

Index editor Jo Glanville chairs a panel featuring Hugh Tomlinson QC, who represents Ryan Giggs, former F1 president Max Mosley, Imogen Thomas’ lawyer David Price and Suzanne Moore columnist for the Daily Mail and the Guardian who will discuss gagging orders, tabloid intrusion and the right to a private life.

* Are injunctions a means to uphold our human rights or an unjust anachronism after the recent Twitter exposés?
* Should Article 10, the right to freedom of expression, trump Article 8, the right to respect for a private life?
* Are celebrities’ personal lives fair game?

Email eve[at]indexoncensorship.org to enquire about tickets