When: Monday, 7. December 2009
To: Friday, 18. December 2009
Where: London, Online
Host: Index on Censorship
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2010-index-freedom-of-expression-awards-nomination-form/

JOURNALISM AWARD: Recognising investigative journalism of dogged determination across a range of media including print, online, radio and television, taking into consideration impact, originality and revelation.

NEW MEDIA AWARD: Recognising innovation and original use of new technology to circumvent censorship, fostering debate, argument or dissent.

LAW AND CAMPAIGN AWARD: Recognising lawyers or campaigners who have fought repression, or have struggled to challenge political climates and perceptions. Special attention is given to people using or establishing legal precedents to fight injustice.

Last year’s winners were:

Journalism Sunday Leader Sri Lanka, (editor Lasantha Wickrematunga)

New Media Psiphon University of Toronto

Law and Campaigning Malik Imtiaz Malaysia.

“Index on Censorship is UK’s principle organisation devoted to the protection of freedom of expression wherever and whenever it is threatened. As we approach the end of the first decade of the 21st century, sadly this task becomes ever more urgent.” Jonathan Dimbleby—Chair Index on Censorship

Please fill in the nominations form and return by December 18th.

The award winners will be announced in March 2010