When: Monday, 13. May 2013
To: Wednesday, 15. May 2013
Where: Vilnius, Lithuania
Host: Belarusian Human Rights House
Contact: (ilia@humanrightshouse.org)

The International Law in Advocacy. Human Rights Education for Lawyers (ILIA-EHREL) project is part of the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) strategic program on strengthening capacity and sharing knowledge and is aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of lawyers in international human rights standards. The project seeks to raise awareness about human rights and to ensure the national implementation of international human rights standards by facilitating online human rights training for lawyers.

ILIA-EHREL has been implemented since 2009 for lawyers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia (2009-2011), Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. On 30 April 2013, the second cycle of the distance learning component of the project comes to an end and 25 top students (5 from each participating country)– professional lawyers – will be selected on a competitive basis for participation in the aforementioned conference.

The conference will give the participants a unique opportunity to finally meet each other in person; discuss the most acute human rights problems in law and practice of their respective countries; take part in a moot court competition, testing their courtroom skills in the interpretation of international norms and better understanding the work of all parties in a trial; learn more about advocacy at the national and international level and how lawyers can act jointly with human rights defenders to ensure better protection of and respect for human rights.

In addition, the conference participants will be awarded graduation diplomas.

The language of the conference is Russian with some of the sessions led by international experts translated from/into English and Russian.

Useful links

Conference registration form (for invited participants and guests only) in Russian